By girlsx2mom - 31/08/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me because he doesn't want his mom "watching from heaven." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 729
You deserved it 7 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you want your mother to watch you have sex?

RawrNom 0

awww. I can see that, give him a while? I got that that with peeing when I was like nine. god could see! I grew out of it aha.


kittu_fml 0

Come over we'll figure out smthin

lov3suck5 0

Awwww!!! That's so sweet.... But I hope he gets over that's ... But still you shouldn't be mad

FMLinCA 12

Im sure if you dont want her watching just pray and say god please do let my mom look at us having sex

maybe, depending on how ages ago the death was, he hasn't got over her yet, give it time...

You got **** blocked by his mother and she isn't even alive xD