By lil123 - 25/03/2012 04:40 - Canada - Calgary

Today, my boyfriend wrote a song for me. As he was singing it to me I realized it was actually a breakup song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 909
You deserved it 2 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bizarre_ftw 21

*smiling, smiling, questioning, frowning, punching...*

Still a better love story then twilight i'd say.


Get over him ASAP and be happy. Write your own songs about it like Adele did. Bet that guy feels stupid for dumping her right about now...

Being broke up trough Facebook sucks horribly

KaelaKhaotic 5

Be like Adele. BE LIKE ADELE.

But Adele keeps writing songs about her ex-lover? How is she ment to forget about him then?

KaelaKhaotic 5

Well how I see it is that OP can write sappy songs like Adele, get some people to play instruments, obviously, her to sing. Post the songs on every website she knows and prays to God her ex hears and says to himself, "Damn, I hurt her that bad? I'm an asshole."

I'd say the best thing is to pretend like it doesn't hurt you. why would she want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt her? I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure if he wanted to break up with her he proooobably doesn't care too much if she's hurt for a long time or not.

Be like Adele: I don't always get my heart broken, but when I do I make sure to make million dollar hit songs from it. **** yeah, I want to be like Adele! Bring on the heartache, baby!

Rocky007 15
Birdie_Sage 0

Suck his dick and then say goodbye, trust me he deserves it.

thebitchritenow 0

Why would she suck his dick and then leave him?

well who do you think you areeeeeeee?running around leaving scars, collecting your your jar of hea- well... you get the idea

thebitchritenow 0
linkinpark98 23
NoisyNykkii 10

I started singing... Then stopped because my voice is gone.