By lil123 - 25/03/2012 04:40 - Canada - Calgary

Today, my boyfriend wrote a song for me. As he was singing it to me I realized it was actually a breakup song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 909
You deserved it 2 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bizarre_ftw 21

*smiling, smiling, questioning, frowning, punching...*

Still a better love story then twilight i'd say.


I'm so sorry. At least he broke up with you face to face instead of texting or inventing a stupid excuse...

Give him so credit though. It's still a pretty awesome way to receive news. Even if it is bad news.

Aww :c I have to admit if someone broke up with me this way it would be awesome lol I love music :P

MrGroovy28 7

I mean break-ups are part of growing up. At least it was informal and direct, rather then via phone or media. I definitely empathize with you. On the other hand that was creative.

Boo hoo. Get over it, you big crybaby.

When it gets right down to it, there's no way to break up with someone without hurting their feelings. The only thing you can do to make it better is to show respect. This shows respect, he put the effort into writing the song.