By Anonymous - 19/12/2012 22:06 - United States

Today, my bra clasp broke in the middle of a job interview. I got the job on the spot. I'm scared to report into work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 435
You deserved it 4 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beddington 7

That's what happens when you apply at Hooters! Congrats on the new job.


winkydog4056 16

Perhaps he gave her the job to give her the income to go buy some new over the shoulder boulder holders.....

BryanThaMan 14
hornyunicorny 2

I think the best plan would be to dress conservatively and wear sports bras to work

Duceswild99 19

Haha this sounds like the start to so many **** movies. I would have hired you on the spot too.

I'm sorry. Maybe when your potential boss goes to take your bra off again tell him you are more than capable of doing it yourself. I bet you got promoted too.

sgtcxelite 11

"goes to take off your bra again" She never said he tried to take it off.. She said it broke.

Speak to one of your managers? Hopefully one of them is a girl, if not. Request to use the washroom, if it's not too tight you could maybe tie it together? Or use a hairband. Or a stapler.

Next time wear no bra, you'll be promoted

Derpina_ 4

I know your pain. You hope that isn't why you are hired..

Malicteal 21

Never underestimate the power of boobs.