By Twix88 - 19/02/2014 11:00 - United States - Huntsville

Today, my brother and I took our cars to get oil changes. While we were there, a guy asked if we were dating. When we told him we were siblings, he responded with, "So?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 194
You deserved it 4 373

Twix88 tells us more.

This is my FML. This did happen in Alabama. Sadly, I don't think this guy was kidding at all, although, he was obviously tweaking pretty hard so that may have played a role. He didn't work there he was just another customer. The dude actually brought it up twice. After the second time my brother ditched me and went outside to get away from him and left me to sit with the creep. However, shortly after I got the last laugh when he followed my brother outside to pester him again.

Top comments

I feel like we need to know what State this happened in.

Umm I live in Texas and it's still abnormal to date family here too...