By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway

By Anonymous - 26/02/2010 11:11 - Norway
By SN MetalMilitia - 03/11/2020 05:02
By well crap... - 21/06/2020 14:18
By Anonymous - 09/06/2013 14:29 - United States - Greenwood
By Hahaha - 29/01/2009 15:19 - United States
By useless pos - 01/03/2013 00:48 - Australia - Sydney
By Oops - 24/10/2009 13:14 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 20/01/2014 20:23 - United States - Manhattan
By Anonymous - 21/05/2021 04:01
By CheeseyPotatoes - 11/04/2011 13:16 - United States
By totallyembarassed - 07/07/2012 04:08 - United States - Charlotte
omg that sucks
You depress me!!!
YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.
this is really really really's sad because you think you have to impress someone you do not even know and you will probably never see them again in your life. <Jedi mind trick> You want to go home and rethink your life...
Well you still have youre hand HEY put in hand lotion and it's a 3 WAY
u shoulda bought a vibrator instead
I agree with 31 FYL for even having to do something like that :-/
i agree with 65
hey people... what's plan B..?? is it something that test urself or what??!
you're to insecure therefore ydi!!!
it's the morning after pill. it's something that women can take within a few days of having been ejaculated in to prevent a pregnancy. they only work within like 2 days of having sex and they cost like $50. each! Actually I'm pretty sure plan b more commonly is used to refer to abortion but OP was referring to the morning after pill
#95: No, Plan B is used to describe the morning after pill it's named after. Ive never heard it used as a term to mean abortion. Although, had the egg been fertilized, it technically is providing a chemical abortion. Also, it's not JUST if the woman has been ejaculated in. It's for any unprotected sex, as precum contains sperm. The Plan B pill can be taken up to 72 hours after the unprotected sex.
::I want to go home...and rethink my life..::
I'm sure your not THAT ugly! go to a bar and ask a drunk person if they want to hook up.
um, how about you just buy a pack of condoms or something? it's a hell of a lot cheaper.
or you could just be a normal person and not care about what a cashier thinks. lolz.
@allen20 rapism?
Shouldve bought a shotgun and 1 shell. or a good strong rope. or a razor blade.
hmm thanks 102. For some reason I heard plan b referring to abortion that's why I thought that's what it was. thanks for clearing it up
I'm in awe. not at her situation but at what she did. that's just sad
I just thought plan b was a skate board company
what's plan b
Today, I saw this girl trying to impress me by spending 50$ on a pill to make it look like she's been laid. FML
Hells Yeah OP.. That cashier was sweating for you.. Tip for the ladies: Guys find, buying products to kill your unborn baby, super hawwt.. (by now I hope you've realised that I was speaking sarcastically.. and that I find nothing sexy about the pill.. If I had served the OP, I'd be convinced she was a bit of a ***** for purchasing Plan B from the corner store alongside her m&m's and newspaper..) YDI for thinking that killing unborn humans was an effective way to tap that cashier..
the morning after pill and abortion pill are two completely separate medications. plan b causes the uterine lining to become really thick, preventing a fertilized egg from implanting. if an egg doesn't implant, it's not a pregnancy. the abortion pill is used to terminate a pregnancy if either plan b or any other precautions taken have failed.
Plan B does NOT kill an unborn baby. Wow seriously it even says in the commercials "Plan B is not the abortion pill." It prevents the pregnancy. Get your facts straight.
I think 158 put that perfectly. The only reason I used the words "chemical abortion" in my previous comment is because it will prevent a fertilized egg from attaching. Then again, birth control kind of does the same thing. Convinces your body that your pregnant so that either you can't release an egg or it can't implant, if it happens to release. :)
I am assuming she is going to a pharmacy to get the pill and if she goes there regularly enough to want to impress the casheer than she might be really stupid in his eyes if she sees him regularly because of taking the birthcontroll pill.
Ok.. I understand now..
actually if your pregnant you shouldn't take the pill, it's to prevent pregnancy not to abort it
#156 it's not meant for that YDI
haha "Plan B"...does no one else find that funny lol
agree with 19...waste of moneyy
ha ****** up lmao
OP: original poster YDI: you deserve it
#27 fails XD
Most of the time "You Dumb Idiot" works too.
never heard of it put that way but yea #27 is actually a win
"You dumb idiot" almost never works. most of the time ppl say, "YDI because.." or, "YDI you effin dumbass", or somethin to that effect =)
27 FTW
Or maybe 27 just felt bad for insulting 6 by calling them an idiot and it was more convenient to feign ignorance as to what YDI really meant.
op= person who made the post in the first place/ original poster ydi= you deserved it no worries tho I had to Google it to find out :)
at volcom it means you deserved it
I completely understand you... :( I'm in the same position...18 years ols girl..even never been kissed (hugs)
This. It's really not that special
WTF I saw a show on TV and this girl said she was saving her first kiss for her husband. I was like HAHAHAHA!!!!! cuz her parents were crazy.
#129, those people DO exist, because I accidentally dated one! I didn't find out till 2 months into the relationship, when I tried to kiss him
129, I worked with one, only a tad less extreme. She had been dating her boyfriend for a year and 2 months and they *finally* had their first kiss. It wasn't even a make out, just a peck on the lips. I asked, and she was disgusted by the idea of tongue kissing and said they were waiting till marriage.
Why would you do that? Is your life ****** if you don't impress the cashier?
Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.
you are so right #10.
maybe in her mind he figured he would be like "Hey baby...let me be your plan C..."
Haha, ok, that made me laugh!
Number 15, how is it that in such a small post you made so many errors? OP stands for original poster, first of all. Not origional poster. Second, it's "nobody", not "no1" Third, don't end a sentence with a preposition. Fourth, it's whom, not who. A better way of phrasing your sentence would have been, "OP is an abbreviation that is shorthand for 'Original Poster'; i.e. the lady with whom no one will have sexual intercourse."
awww I'm sorry:( don't feel bad I'm sure a lot of people feel that way
I like your avatar
Don't get your hopes up. He's flirting with the girl that replied to you. lol
Why the hell would the person at the pharmacy counter care whether or not you're having sex? Pathetic.
YDI for wasting $50 on someone who will forget about you seconds after leaving the store.