By DeeDee - 04/02/2014 22:08 - Austria - Vienna

Today, my brother came to my first standup comedy act. He'd apparently read my material beforehand, and kept finishing my jokes for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 748
You deserved it 5 449

Same thing different taste


Asstarotte 7
redhotskittle 6

That sucks, your brother sounds like an asshole. Congratulations though, for doing stand up comedy. That takes a lot of effort, I hope you go far. ;) best wishes

That's where you need to be able to improv: "Yes folks, that's my brother, the living condom ad. I'm not saying I don't love him, I'm just saying I hate my dad for not having the decency to just rub one out. They say comics are tortured know how many times I've walked in on this asshole trying to suck himself off? What do you expect? But it does explain that time at the family picnic when the watermelon had a hole drilled into it. I mean, I'd heard of that kind of thing before, I just figured you made the hole with a spoon, not a pencil! No wonder all of my mom's eyebrow tweezers kept disappearing!" If he doesn't **** off after that...