By KittKatt - 20/05/2015 05:34 - United States - Lehighton

Today, my brother changed my Google+ name without asking. He has done this before and I fixed it by just changing it back. Turns out Google has a 3-time limit per year for how many times you can change your name. Now I'm stuck with "Poop" for my YouTube name for a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 000
You deserved it 4 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why don't you change your password so he doesn't know it

Zwerik 31

This is reason number 27 to hate Google+


MySpace is just as bad as google+ with security if not worse besides Google+ MySpace are not the same thing.

always log out and always be the one that knows your could make a second one inform your followers that you are closing the account or suspending the use on that account then everything should be pretty close to normal

Well now you can say "this video is literally me" you have a great opportunity here, look at the bright side ya know

YDI, first time it happened, you should have disabled any possibility of him doing it again.

Why does he have your password, OP?

Kaalschneid 21

Maybe lock your computer and accounts better...