By GreenScar - 11/03/2009 04:45 - United States

Today, my brother's new girlfriend, who is blind, asked to feel my face so she could tell what I look like. She said I was "unique". A blind chick just told me I was ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 818
You deserved it 5 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your brother has blind girlfriend? wow, my respect to him and how can blind girl judge your appearance?

LifeSux19 0

I don't think she was trying to call you ugly at all.


pltcllyincorrect 0

hahahha i mean, she might actually be being nice, but it's funny to think about.

burdenofaday 0

@#19: I don't know any blind people but I'm going to agree with #18. A lot of stuff on this site is fake as can be and only gets put through for its shock or comedic value. Craigslist is the same way; people often use it as a creative outlet.

She's blind. You probably got the better end of the deal there.

Unique is never a bad thing. Don't take what she said to heart.

If she has always been blind then you can't get upset with her...most likely she doesn't know what beautiful looks like, but only how it feels.

wrestler_fml 0

#9.... that's just what ugly people say! #0.... I actually have to say, I don't think she said you were ugly. But ugliness is based on how good you look, your weight, and your personality (which enables people to think higher or lower of your looks/you because of it)........ ugliness IS NOT BASED on one person. However, if you are ugly, you know it. I'm guessing you are, if you have such low self-esteem you made this post. And you must learn that ugliness can be changed! get whiter teeth, and better hair, better groomed, more ripped, low bodyfat %, moisturized tanned skin, etc. Ugliness can be changed, and ugliness is perceived by almost all who see you.... so if you REALLY ARE ugly, 1 PERSON saying so is the LEAST of your worries! Change yourself now.

This is a bunch of bull. My best friend in the entire world is blind, confident, and gorgious. First, she has explained to me the different teachers blind students have when they are young, and how they are taught to not have blindisms (things blind people might do that others would not, and they are just like us) a sighted person wouldn'rt be like come here so i can examine you. A blind person is not about to do that either. Furthermmore, all you who are bashing blind girlfriends, well she's engaged to a rich sighted hot guy, so she did pretty well for herself. Whats is the difference she can't see doesn't make her less of a person, it doesn't make her any dumber, less social, or anything.

My mom is blind and has several blind friends and owns a store through the national federation for the blind's blind vendors program. My uncle was blind as well. I also volunteer at a school for the blind. So needless to say I have grown up with and been around different blind people my whole life. I know that blind people do not feel people's faces to "see" what they look like. They are not taught to do that and are just as capable of realizing that you cannot tell what a person looks like by feeling their face as a sighted person is. As for the "good for him for dating a blind person" and comments implying he must be a good person to do so, he simply must be a better person than those who are making those comments. Blind people are no different than sighted people and can do anything a sighted person can do for the most part. Only thing I can think of off the top of my head that my mom can't do is drive. And I told her I will take her to a big empty parking lot and let her anytime if she so desires, just so she can experience that. My mom is amazing, not despite being blind, just amazing as compared to anyone.

#28:yes it does see how easy it is to argue on the internet

unique doesn't imply ugly. Do you take everything as an insult? Seems like more of an insecurity issue to me. Kudos to your brother though.