By GreenScar - 11/03/2009 04:45 - United States

Today, my brother's new girlfriend, who is blind, asked to feel my face so she could tell what I look like. She said I was "unique". A blind chick just told me I was ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 811
You deserved it 5 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your brother has blind girlfriend? wow, my respect to him and how can blind girl judge your appearance?

LifeSux19 0

I don't think she was trying to call you ugly at all.


At least she didn't think your acne was braille

Sodapop40 21

Unique doesn't nessesairly mean ugly

Unless you asked her if unique meant ugly, she certainly did not call you ugly.

Unique doesn't automatically mean you're ugly, people use turns different ways, for example when I say someone's wierd, its usually a good thing