By cunts, cunts everywhere - 11/03/2013 11:57 - Australia
Same thing different taste
The blame game
By Shattered - 23/11/2022 02:00
Thanks, "Bro"
By probably on death row soon - 25/12/2015 18:32 - United States - Winter Park
By Anonymous - 10/12/2015 13:27 - Canada - Edmonton
By fmlforreal - 15/10/2010 08:33 - Singapore
Freeloadin' freewheelin'
By Anonymous - 26/02/2022 04:00
By Scapegoat - 17/11/2018 13:30
By Micmicmic - 15/04/2017 04:00 - Belgium - Brussels
By BlazefireSaber - 07/07/2015 03:59 - United States - Norfolk
Golden child
By Anonymous - 28/01/2021 07:30 - New Zealand - Palmerston North
Double standards
By Anonymous - 21/02/2013 18:45 - Australia - Brisbane
Top comments
I love your *****, name everywhere
Yeah, no.
And not a drop to drink.
******* healers man they never be healing the tanks smh fam
Tell them to bring it to a repair shop. When the guy at the repair shop laughs in their faces, they'll leave you alone.
Why would they laugh? Most models of laptops' monitors are replaceable and an excellent opportunity for a repair shop to cash in on insane labour charges.
I'v had a cracked moniter repaired on my laptop.
Replace laptop and phone screens for my friends all the time ;)
Better yet punch the shit out of your brother
That's what I meant. I figured replacing is pretty much just a form of repairing.
It's not hard.. pop a couple of screws do the wires and do a replace cover.. Now what he should do is change shit make it hard.. LIke arabic keyboard..
Replace is not the same as repair. Repair is get the old one working, not get a new one instead. And also, just because you're an engineer doesn't mean you can fix everything.
I cracked my monitor, ordered a new one and replaced it myself....
Not even God can fix stupid.
No, but I can... 3 bullets to the head.. Gotta make sure they stay down!
Let me guess... He's the younger one and you're the older one.
It's time OP should take over disciplining the young brat. It's quiet clear the parents have failed!
It's the opposite with me, my parents always take the side of my older sister when we argue, even if it involves a physical assault/battery. Probably because I act the same way to everyone, whereas she is only like that when people aren't around, making her seem so great. Let me clarify I''m not that bitter. My point is, it's not uncommon for parents to support the older sibling.
Youngest child gets away with murder. It's always the favourite.
Actually, in my case, I am the youngest, but while my sister faces no consequences for losing her wallet at college, I get bitched at for looking for my work name tag for more than five minutes. What I'm trying to say is that the youngest doesn't always get to do whatever they want. I do know some kids who have the brattiest younger siblings that get away with being little freaking assholes. But not all younger kids do.
It's not always the younger one that's the favorite I told my two daughters that I favor the elder. it's OK though the younger one gets away with murder from her father
I am the younger sibling by almost four years. And let me tell you that I never got away with anything. My brother and I were always the best of friends, save for a few small tiffs here and there, we would always beat the crap out of each other, talk it out, and make up without having to get our parents involved. But my parents still treated him like the 'Golden Child'. It is something that has always bugged my older brother because even he didn't think it was fair. I've also had several friends notice that they treat my brother and I differently. My parents don't seem to think so, however. And they get very upset whenever it is brought up. But the truth remains, they brag and praise my brother all the time while I'm just sitting there like hey, don't forget about me! I understand that they are very proud of him, as they should be, because he made excellent grades in HS, scored a 99% on the ASFAB test, joined the Navy like our father did, went to Nuclear Power Training Command, and his first assignment was to the NR-1, a naval research submarine that's missions were so highly top-secret that the Admiral himself is the one who hand picks who gets assigned to that sub, and he chose my brother, a brand new nuke without any previous assignments under his belt. But I think I did pretty good with my life too. I also made excellent marks in HS, I battled, and still do, a disease, that hospitalized me for a very long time and almost killed me a few different times, during and right after my senior year, I got my CNA while still not completely recuperated from my surgery and hospital stay, then I worked my way through nursing school and earned top of my class and my nursing license, all before I was 21. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone, and I may not be out there fighting for my country or doing some pretty neat research. But my parents, of all people, could at least give me some credit for accomplishing these things while I go through a daily struggle with my health and chronic pain. Ugh, I'm sorry for going on about this. I guess I just needed to vent. Rant over. Good day to you all :)
107 - That was actually an honest-to-God cool story, bro. :)
Thank you guys. I know, I do write comments that are too long quite often. And my brother really is a great brother as well as a great man all around. Sometimes he would take the blame for something I did because he knew that I would be punished way more severely than he would have been. And sometimes I think my dad would make stuff up and blame me for them just so he had a reason to punch, kick, shove, or whatever his preferred method for 'punishment' was at that time. My father was very abusive towards me in every aspect. But he wasn't so bad until after my brother left for the Navy when I was 15. It only got worse from there. And when Craig, my brother, heard about how much worse I had it after he left he felt very guilty for leaving me behind. It wasn't his fault and it really hurt me that he was blaming himself. He had to leave and start his own life, I never once blamed him. But when my brother was still there he protected me as much as he could. I remember them getting into fist fights sometimes. I became a very angry and bitter person for a long time. I even resented my mom for standing in the doorway and watching my dad go off on me and not doing anything to stop him. But I soon realized that she couldn't stop him. She is too little and very weak due to her poor health, which is where I got mine from. I know my dad should have been turned in, but I never wanted that to happen. I couldn't do that to my Poppy. As I got older, 17-now, my dad started to admit how wrong he was to have treated me so horribly and told me how he had been abused by his father as well. I know that does not excuse his behavior, but it actually helped me to understand him better. He has become an excellent father and his relationship with my mother, who had to endure his anger issues for much longer than I did but he never once hit her, had become so much stronger than before. Now all is well in their home. And for some reason that I don't quite understand, I have always been a daddy's girl. My parents and my brother have always been my best friends and I could talk to them and count on them for help always, even my dad. My dad wasn't always horrible to me. He was actually a good daddy for the most part. I know that doesn't make any sense for a lot of people, including my husband who doesn't care much for my father since he knows what he put me through, but somehow it makes sense to me. I wouldn't change anything about my past or my childhood for the world. Why would I? My past is what has molded me into what I am today. I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for what I went through. And I may not have ended up as a nurse or have such a sensitive heart towards children had I not gone through what I did. Because I have endured so many different types of hardships in my short 22 years of life, ranging from the abusive behavior from my father, to being violently raped by my ex who shoved a 4 inch blade inside me at 17, to being very depressed and a cutter at 17-19, to being diagnosed, hospitalized, and almost dying at 18-19, I can now use those experiences to help others who may be going through any one of those types of hardships. Because I can relate to them. I know what they are going through. I may not have the same type of illness as my patients, but I have been a patient so I know how scary, painful, and alone they may feel. I may not have endured the same type of abuse as some people, but I have been abused. I may not be facing the same type of depression as some people, but I have been depressed and a cutter. Do you see what I mean? I'm very thankful for my past because I have already helped a few people get through theirs. I've even had people tell me that they have been inspired to become a nurse or a counselor just by hearing my story. And that makes it all worth it to me.
I wonder if he was playing WoW. That said, I would not want to be in his group. ._. FYL.
I have lost my respect for most of my friends because of how they rage at games. Not to mention the fact that they treat me like crap cause I'm a girl that also plays video games. They are all asshats and I'm sorry you are related to one OP. it gets old being just friends with them.
Or LoL, it sure is frustrating as a carry when your support wont heal you. Although that rage should be contained or shown through chat at a maximum. That being said, anyone that rages and wants to take it out on their computer; instead of breaking it send it to me, I really need a new one QQ
48- Thank you. So many of my friends have destroyed very nice gaming computers by raging and I really wish instead of breaking it they would give it to someone that would take care of it and needs a new one. I just don't understand how people get so worked up. It's a game. Games are for fun. Ugh.
Large neodymium magnets.
Great advice!
You, sir, are my salvation. My monitor has been broken for weeks.
Is there anyone else you could get to explain to them that you can't fix the laptop? It's kind of a long shot considering your parents sound insane.
What a spoiled brat!
Pity you can't heal brattiness.
Ah, just smash the laptop more. Tell them you "fixed it," that'll teach them not to bother you for something like that.
Duct tape fixes everything..
Duct tape fixes everything... Unless it isn't in Dead Rising.
It's the same way with my step dad and step sister. She could do anything horrible right in front of him, like doing every boy, but he would find even the smallest thing to nit pick at my siblings and I about. One day, you'll move out and be away from him and your favoring parents.
My step sister actually screamed at my sister "I'm going to f***king kill you" and it was okay by my step dad. But my sister can't look at my step sister the wrong way without getting in deep trouble.

I love your name, ***** everywhere
Let me guess... He's the younger one and you're the older one.