By cunts, cunts everywhere - 11/03/2013 11:57 - Australia

Today, my brother yelled at me, calling me a "no-good fucking whore", because I couldn't fix his laptop. The same laptop he threw on the floor after screaming "FUCKING HEAL MEEE!" at his game. As ever, my parents took his side, refusing to believe that I can't fix a cracked monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 389
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxokelsey11 5

I love your name, ***** everywhere

Let me guess... He's the younger one and you're the older one.


nishantvas 13
nishantvas 13
nishantvas 13

Your family sounds incredibly stupid and dysfunctional.

He needs you to summon a Jeeves, or open a portal to a repair guy, obviously.

You live with idiots OP, sorry to say. :/ FYL

So you're both the family genius AND the family scapegoat? Calmly try to take them through boring tutorials on fixing things, for when you're out of the nuthouse. Earnest, helpful-but-boring scapegoats won't be nearly as fun for them.

Sounds like a joy to both live and play with. He is one I wouldn't heal in a game.

get a quote for the repair, here aust a lappy screen would be about $600, give it to ya parents, tell them you have started to repair it, and also that he has voided the warranty due to impact damage, then get him one with a gfx card that cant run games and halve his ram, and block his game ports on the modem.