By cunts, cunts everywhere - 11/03/2013 11:57 - Australia

Today, my brother yelled at me, calling me a "no-good fucking whore", because I couldn't fix his laptop. The same laptop he threw on the floor after screaming "FUCKING HEAL MEEE!" at his game. As ever, my parents took his side, refusing to believe that I can't fix a cracked monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 389
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xoxokelsey11 5

I love your name, ***** everywhere

Let me guess... He's the younger one and you're the older one.


Sounds like you should tell your brother to grow up.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Tell him to go fix it his damn self for acting like an ass.

kishorekumar_a 10

Well, I love gaming but I was never like that. Seems like you need to convince your parents that your brother's behaviour is not good and it's more important than fixing the laptop. However considering their previous reaction, it most probably won't work. Oh, the next time your brother wants something fixed, tell him that you are a 'no-good, ******* *****' and hence you can't fix it. That might teach him not to be rude.

After throwing it on the floor, I doubt a cracked monitor is the only thing he has.

kishorekumar_a 10

Yep, failed hard disk most likely, unless it has free fall protection.

osm1989_fml 6

Right because everyone knows that ****** are known for their impressive computer repair skills.

Your parents sound like tools. At least you have common sense, unlike the rest of the family in this situation

That kid is retarded, and your parents are douchebag retards.

Involuntary /ragequit. He deserves it.

nishantvas 13
nishantvas 13