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Thanks, "Bro"

By probably on death row soon - 25/12/2015 18:32 - United States - Winter Park

Today, my brother "pranked" me by dropping my new laptop out my bedroom window. He'd set up a saran wrap safety net below to catch my laptop safely, but he didn't secure it well enough. My laptop is completely fucked and he won't accept responsibility because he didn't mean to break it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 203
You deserved it 1 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assuming you still live with your parents, just tell your mom or dad and let them deal with him. If they won't do anything then just make his life a living hell.


YourOpinionSucks 22

I think your brother should be "pranked" as well.

RedPillSucks 31

by tossing him out the window into the saran wrap net


#77- I see you watch LeafyisHere as well ☺

Assuming you still live with your parents, just tell your mom or dad and let them deal with him. If they won't do anything then just make his life a living hell.

lexiieeex3 32

If OP's brother is younger his parents might let the brother off easy. My mom is the same way, my younger siblings get away with EVERYTHING.

#26 does your mum and dad tell you off for your siblings satisfaction?

lexiieeex3 32

On occasion. Italian mothers be crazy man...

I'm part italian myself, but we're not crazy.

My dad is incredibly bias. My sister acts like the devils child yet still gets away with things under my dad's nose, on the other hand if I lets say... misplaced an item. I would be a criminal in his eyes.

KingJiggleMuffin 15

Same here. My sister burned down part of our community college and went to jail, all he did about that was push it off on her friends being a bad influence. I broke a glass and got yelled at for several days

dabomb467 6

Wow, that sucks. It sort of works the same way at my house, but my parents would definitely make my younger siblings at least pay for a new one or they would get in trouble for a long long time because they reap what they sow.

Couldn't agree more. If my sister ever did anything wrong, it was my fault, even if I wasn't there! My mom had the idea since I'm the older sibling, my sister was my responsibility. I still question why she she had another child if she wanted someone else to be responsible for her.

Sorry #26 to break the news but this is mean mothers not Italian mothers at all

Sorry this happened to you. I hope that you can come to some type of understanding with each other and he'll at least offer to pay half of whatever it cost to replace your laptop.

What understanding is there to be brought to though? Op's brother ****** up big time and whether it was on purpose or not, it's time to accept his responsibility as the one who made the situation what it is.

Op shouldn't have to shell out another possibly $500+ for a new laptop when they or their parents most likely just purchased this one. The sibling needs to know they majorly ****** up and have to deal with the consequences by paying for repairs or a replacement.

mariri9206 32

They shouldn't have to pay fix any of it. It's not OP's doing - it's their brother's doing so it's the brother's responsibility to pay to fix it (all of it), not OP.

Excuse you? Why should he only pay half of it? He should pay everything for being such a dick and a dumb ass. Take responsibility for the jokes you pull.

Symantha23 25

Wow what an idiot lol I agree, he needs to be "pranked" as well.

meli1195 31

don't understand how people consider some of the stuff they do "pranks“. don't let your brother escape from paying for your laptop, OP.

Personally I think most pranks are pretty stupid and often end up badly, but this is pretty moronic. Make him pay for it!

lexiieeex3 32

How does one think of this type of punishment...

One grows up with siblings who are prone to getting their way and getting off easy with punishments for pranks. That's how one thinks of these types of punishments.

Saran Wrap would be nowhere near as painful as what happened to the laptop. I say use duct tape.

Hot glue isn't actually as hot as the name indicates. I used to play with it by making shapes with it on my skin. Duct tape, though, you have to either pull it off or wait for enough moisture to accumulate that it can be peeled off.

man that sucks OP. I'd be pissed if that happened to me. Try to get him back to teach him how it feels to have something like that happen to you.

Ask your parents to let you have his laptop untill he buys you a new one. Assuming you still live with them of course.

jkp1291 25

"It's a prank, dude it's just a prank!"

RedPillSucks 31

or have #6 punch him in the nads