By Anonymous - 29/08/2014 02:48 - United States - Encinitas

Today, my butt decided to delete the 650 photos I had on my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 259
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope it teaches you a lesson in 'backing' up data.

tayymeds 23

To be honest, that's quite impressive.


I sure hope you had those backed up...or better yet but a phone lock on so that doesn't happen...

I think as long as you haven't taken any new photos, and as long as the phones pictures are on a memory card, it's possible to retrieve them. Of course, this is probably far too late to comment on.

Sounds like you done have a very nice ass

I never understood why people put their phone in their back pocket

Goblin182 26

At least your butt didn't post any unflattering pictures to Facebook or Twitter.

Annnnd this is why a pass code on your phone is a REALLY good idea.

That's why most people put a lock on their phone although it's usually to prevent pocket calls. I'm sorry but YDI for not keeping a copy of your photos on your computer especially when it's so many, and not putting a lock.