Abort mission!

By happytuckerhappy - 30/12/2014 00:41 - United States - Chandler

Today, I set up a profile on a dating app, stating that I'm awkward amongst other things. Within minutes, a guy messaged me. I was thrilled, until he started threatening me because he has Aspergers, and according to him, only they are "allowed" to be awkward. I had to delete my profile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 050
You deserved it 3 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In times like this, the "block" button is your best friend. As well as the "report" button, and also the occasional police call or restraining order if it ever comes down to that.

Theres plenty fish in the sea, besides, dating sites aren't the only way to meet people.


I'm sorry that happened. That sucks. I hope you can overcome it, and try again.

In times like this, the "block" button is your best friend. As well as the "report" button, and also the occasional police call or restraining order if it ever comes down to that.

I'm really sorry that happened, but don't give up. Block him and try again.

bigc1797 6

We're not all like that sorry :(

Gemma_Mansonite 20

My brother has aspergers (I cannot spell it, sorry) and he is definitely not like that. Some people are just twats

I got it too...and autism. I've heard people with similar diagnosis call themselves special, but this is pretty damn overboard. Sorry OP. Like all people with disorders out their, you're always gonna get a few that are "off their rocker".

Theres plenty fish in the sea, besides, dating sites aren't the only way to meet people.

cryssycakesx3 22

it's OK, Cupid will find you someone...

Not the only way to meet people indeed... For instance: 832-273-5354

TallMist 32

i feel for u but u shouldn't be bullied by such people. especially on the internet!

It's common for people with Aspergers to further develop issues with communication as they age (assuming he isn't a kid). It doesn't excuse his threats, but I wouldn't let him deter you from your pursuit. Maybe try a crack at another website, but don't give up from one bad experience!

he needs help! using autism as an excuse is wrong!

xxreikoxx 31

#49 - How do you know whether it's being used as an excuse or not? Don't be so judgmental.

Ish. What's awkward is the fact that someone actually contested that. There'll be other opportunities, don't worry! In cases like these, the best thing you can do is find a way to ignore them, keep your head up, and move on. As a side note, that particular fellow just has a touch of the Special Snowflake Syndrome. Not all people with Asperger's are like that - he's in the minority. Most are wonderful, kind people and many of them aren't awkward at all.

Thank you. I have asperger and I can tell you, everybody has the right to be awkward. It's not a privilig, it's something you can't controll, therefor his statement is complete bullshit. Btw English isn't my first language, so excuse any spelling mistaces I made, thank you.

*mistakes instead of mistaces.* Otherwise, you are spot on. I wish my Spanish was as good as your English.

xxreikoxx 31

He wasn't being crude, he was telling him that he had no reason to be concerned about having made spelling mistakes, since he only made one and it was an easy mistake to make if English isn't your first language. He was being kind.

cryssycakesx3 22

I totally agree with this. I have aspergers and I don't act that way. I have seen so many fmls and comments that have made it seem like people with aspergers are complete assholes. The fact is that most of us really aren't.