By Anonymous - 16/08/2014 04:30 - United States - Olney

Today, my car got towed. My money is in my car and they won't let me open my car to get money until my car is "released". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 246
You deserved it 5 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh that sucks. Kinda stupid that they won't even let you get your money out. I guess you can get the money of someone and then pay them back.

Sounds like you're in a pickle OP. Maybe borrow some money from someone?


Sathane 21

Tell them you have medication in the care and your medical insurance card is in your wallet. I don't think they are allowed to withhold those items anyway. It's just a tactic for them to change you for an extra day of impound fees.

Don't worry I saw this on my name is earl. you need a crappy car and a gay friend.

I worked for a tow truck company for 4 years if the car is in your name that is illegal as hell to not let you get you belongings out of the car. Just letting you know

That's kind of like the movie 'walk of shame'

First of all it's illegal for the tow company to not allow you to get your stuff. You should have called the police and had them escort you through the gate. ALSO, not that big of a deal, if you had the money then you could just borrow it from a friend and then return as soon as your car was released! :)

I really think that should be considered theft. It's bullshit.