By Donezoo - 08/01/2009 02:28 - United States

Today, my car was broken into. They broke the passenger side window and took my radio system. But they didn't take the remote for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 645
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste

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I left my window open/car unlocked at my apartment once upon a time and someone let themselves in. At the time my radio wasn't working and not realizing it was just a bad fuse I had removed the unit and stuffed it under the driver's seat. The next morning I came out to my car to find scattered papers, a missing bag of nickles ($2 worth), a missing lighter, and a missing hacky sack. The stereo was still under my seat. F*cker stole my hacky sack :(

Easy_Target 0

That happened to me. THAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!


whoa I just read this fml and was about to post the same thing you did haha

ArielTheMermaid 17
nottobeknown4 5

well hey, if you ever find who did it drive by them with the remote and change the station.

we must catch the thief before he steals my system...

SnifflyG 9

thats not a fail thats a win

still **** his life... he doesnt hav a radio.

morgann_believee 5

Well, now you have the remote! At least they didn't steal the remote, without the system.

Exactly. They didn't take the remote. So find them and follow them around and change the station on them. They will be so freaked out by it that they will just return it to you :D

Happened to me too. I guess thieves hate changing tracks....and volume.

Am I the only one who doesn't have a remote for my car stereo?