By infinitegrace - 24/12/2013 21:46 - United States

Today, my car was keyed, while I was still sitting in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 191
You deserved it 6 191

infinitegrace tells us more.

Hey! Let me start off by saying I'm a 5 foot tall girl and I'm not exactly frightening. Therefore it's not like me getting out of the car would have helped. And to those who said I should have drove off, I was in the passenger seat waiting on my mom so I couldn't exactly do that. And it happened so quickly too. I didn't recognize the guy and by the time I knew what had happened it was too late. Just another idiot trying to make trouble.

Top comments

rg350dx 29
paulpring 9

That awkward moment when you guys made eye contact while he did it...


caohm 18

that's when you challenge them to fisticuffs. no isn't an option for them

brit628 7

I would have gotten out of the car and kicked his ass instead of just sitting there

ultrabigasstaco 10

If that was me, the dudes ass would be thoroughly kicked.

Redoxx_fml 22

Atleast he wasn't drunkenly doing it himself

kellyem2 20

And why exactly did you just sit there?

Hey! Let me start off by saying I'm a 5 foot tall girl and I'm not exactly frightening. Therefore it's not like me getting out of the car would have helped. And to those who said I should have drove off, I was in the passenger seat waiting on my mom so I couldn't exactly do that. And it happened so quickly too. I didn't recognize the guy and by the time I knew what had happened it was too late. Just another idiot trying to make trouble.

gczizza1997 15

You got two FmL's published in one day? 0.o

thanks for the feedback. even before you said that you aren't very big, its very difficult to confront someone just willing to key your car in front of you. Much more scary than your typical coward-like hoodlem.

Hey since u were parked somewhere waiting (im assuming at a store) see if there is security footage so you can press charges

I guess you could of still called the cops and gave a description maybe they might react fast enough to catch of course getting him to pay is another story but he would have that judgement and vandalism on his record. People's cars are something we work hard on getting and don't want anything to happen to them like ya don't want anyone breaking into your house. Good luck miss. And don't be afraid to say something because of your height or gender

You are right another idiot messing up people's personnel property for no other reason but to do it. Why paint jobs are expensive and if or when you trade it in and they see that you had a paint job done they automatically assume that it had been hit or in some kind of wreck and won't offer as much no matter what what ya tell em. Good luck op and God Bless

That sucks OP. Thanks for clearing that up. I suggested you drive off so now I know why you couldn't.

Risking your own safety for a scratch on a car would be pretty stupid, I don't think some people here have much brain power. Hopefully the scratch is fixable fairly cheaply!

Maybe he had previously seen OP alone in the car and was trying to draw her out so he could snatch her up..

Yeah, the people telling you to get out of the car were stupid. Even if you were a karate black belt or something like that, he could've had a weapon, and in any case, confronting someone with violence over a personal possession is not worth the risk.

Did you at Least ask for a transformer design.??