By infinitegrace - 24/12/2013 21:46 - United States

Today, my car was keyed, while I was still sitting in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 191
You deserved it 6 191

infinitegrace tells us more.

Hey! Let me start off by saying I'm a 5 foot tall girl and I'm not exactly frightening. Therefore it's not like me getting out of the car would have helped. And to those who said I should have drove off, I was in the passenger seat waiting on my mom so I couldn't exactly do that. And it happened so quickly too. I didn't recognize the guy and by the time I knew what had happened it was too late. Just another idiot trying to make trouble.

Top comments

rg350dx 29
paulpring 9

That awkward moment when you guys made eye contact while he did it...


How in the hell did that even become manageable? You were listening to music or something and just didn't notice someone keying your car?

I wrote a follow up if you can manage to read it.

claem 7

It means someone scratched the hell out of her car with a key.

I'd just have started the engine and drove off. They'd move out of the way. I think.

Hopefully you were smart enough to either get out and stop it or take a video so you had proof and make them pay for the damages.

wtf. why didnt u do/say something dummy ???

Wtf?!? Why don't you read my comment dummy!

Did you fall asleep or something? If not, how and why did you let that happen?