By lizzy1843 - 26/01/2011 14:48 - United States

Today, my cat pissed in my zen garden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 943
You deserved it 23 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments


wonderful_wendy 0

oh no what is the world gonna do now?! don't you have a litter box

No, your cat pissed in your garden. It's rocks and flowers and stuff, it's a garden. Don't go attributing silly philosophical qualities to it.

You're an idiot. "Zen garden" is simply what it's called.

jdeshnerx3 0

it's sand a few rocks and a little rake you tard.

lmao I agree with what everyone said here about it looking like a litter box

This should have been written as a Haiku.

Meditate on rocks. Islands in a sea of sand. Oh wait, that's cat shit.

notsoluckypup 12

Piss - the ultimate in zen liquids xD

ericthevampire 1

Sounds like it's the cat's "zen garden" too.

if u r so stressed that u need a freakin zen garden then dont bother urself with a cat give it 2 some1 who loves it