By nhanley1 - 02/04/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, my cell phone broke. It wouldn't even turn on. I went online to access my account so that I could order a new phone. I couldn't remember my password. The phone company had an option of "forgot my password". Upon clicking I get a message saying "Your password will be sent to your phone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 705
You deserved it 6 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have a SIM card in your phone, try popping it into a friend's cellphone who is on the same network (in case there are any hardware restrictions built into the phone). Then go back and have the password sent to your phone, and your life should be unfucked.

#3 and #4, you aren't very bright. I can see it now "Today, somebody stole a notebook where I had written all my passwords. Now I cannot access my e-mail, my bank account has been hacked, someone charged $5000 to my credit cards via PayPal and my phone has been compromised. FML" And to the original poster, either swap your SIM card into another phone or go visit/call your provider, this situation is fairly simple.


#13, that's why you keep the passwords in a heavily encrypted file. Only one password to remember, to unlock that file. If you can't remember that one password, then you need help.

theoldGP 0

you are really an idiot. this is so not an FML.

haha something that would happen to me

How is this really FML? If it were: "Oh snap, am escaped gorilla came from no where and ripped my brand new 600 dollar phone that you can only buy in Europe/Asia, and proceeded to destroy it while breaking my arm in the process..." That would be FML. Suck it up and go to the store.

theosguardian 0

#11 I would have to say you have an idiotic cell phone company! Good luck when your phone gets lost or stolen and someone is now able to login into your account change your address and order new phones... dumbass!

Radiation_fml 0

So you call them up? Big deal. This isn't a FML.

get off your fat butt and walk down to the store you big loser =)

justinsbaby291 0

B.S. That's just stupid, no phone website would do that. Link or it never happened.

UnCensoredBitch 0

#57 well if I lose the cell phone im smart enough to call my cell phone co. and cancel the sim card before someone finds it and starts using it or is bright enough to send my password to the phone from the internet. Conclusion - Verizon & T-Mobile = Fail!