By Rebecca - 21/05/2012 14:11 - United States - Austin

Today, my colleague yet again misused the word "literally." It's driving me insane. I have to work opposite him and hear him say things like he's just "literally shit himself inside out." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 269
You deserved it 5 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your comment literally made me shit myself inside out.

You should say "I'm literally going to kill you if you don't stop saying literally. Literally".


acetheone 8

Just be like, can you literally shut the **** up??

Except that "Literally" can be used to describe situations of near possibility. Your co-worker is using the word correctly. He's just over using it.

oiendoio 1

you are all morons with limited language and comprehension skills.

'Literally' has been used as an intensifier for 300 years. Some of those using it in that sense are among the most respected and widely read authors in English. So you're literally making things up to be annoyed over.

johndeuxtrois 0

Wow, you're life is so hard. Quit your bitching.

eabaker31 0

Just give the moron a dictionary with the word literally booarked and highlighted. He'll figure it out.