By nothotforteacher - 07/01/2010 07:13 - United States

Today, my college professor/employer failed to send in a letter I had been counting on for a scholarship application. He has also decided not to pay me for the last two months. I'm not going to make rent. Apparently this is the punishment you get for politely declining a date with a married man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 961
You deserved it 2 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

davek 36

Tell his wife, and his boss, and a lawyer.

file a compliant! people can't do that shit now a days


Never count on a scholarship. You're an idiot for doing that.

Tighthead420 0

#14 you are an idiot for not being able to read. It clearly states she was counting on the letter for an application for a scholarship. Sue the living pants off of him and the school. Even without a 'smoking gun', most institutions will settle out of court to avoid the public getting wind of this. Also, he surely does not want this to come out because it will ruin his marriage. You will easily make this schmuck's life miserable.

I'm also pretty sure there are laws against not paying you unless he can prove you've done something wrong. Bring a sexual harassment suit down on his head.

Would you shut up already apfluxx i think i speak for the majority of people in here when i say WE HAVE HEARD ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT

40, she has the right to comment. & with an attitude like that, we've heard one comment too many from you. :]

letitbe56 0

While most universities have a policy against faculty and students dating, hers may not, so it wouldn't necessarily have been sexual harassment for him to ask her out. Highly inappropriate, yes, but not necessarily sexual harassment, based on her school's definition. The problem seems to have been that he sabotaged her chances of getting the scholarship and that he's been witholding pay, and this seems to have been a relatively recent thing. If it's not harassment until it becomes a coercive or intimidating action, then it hasn't been harassment until recently. My point is, if she's still working in an unpleasant environment due to having rejected his advances, then she is currently experiencing harassment. So saying she should have complained when it happened is sort of unnecessary.

cheese_danish 0

Actually, I think apfluxx makes a lot of sense. It's your post that I find to be bullshit.

This screams talking to the school's ombudsman. If there is a contract stating how much you should be paid, you'll at least get your pay check. As for the letter, there is also bringing up that with the ombudsman and/or department head, being that this seems to be due to an act of sexual harassment. But, I'd always double check my facts before hand, make absolutely sure that this is "punishment" for not going on the date, and not "punishment" for refusing to talk to a potential source of grant money.

blkcisg 2

report to hr. if you have a log or emails or time sheets the university has to pay you.

He only employed you and was ready to help with the scholarship in hopes of sexual services. Get some real skills! P.S. Yeah i know this might not be the case, but its not as 100% sure in the other way as the current comments would make one think.

He cannot just decide not to pay you. Go to his boss, you did work and you got to get paid. Don´t write about it on FML and go and fight for what is yours.

OK, OK, "don´t JUST write on FML and do something about it" better ?

Report him! He's not allowed to do that, he should get fired!

You should b e delighted with this. You can royally screw him, make a lot of money!

Hanban 0

Do you still have some evidence that he invited you to dinner?

Shady_R 0

He could have done it via email or text message or left an incriminating voicemail. And even if the invite isn't, something else that he said that might be incriminating could be recorded in some fashion.