By Traumatized - 05/03/2011 19:57 - Israel

Today, my coworker returned the camera I lent her. After plugging the camera into my PC, I saw a file was still on it. Wanting to make sure I didn't delete something important, I opened it. To my horror, it was a video of my coworker pleasuring herself. She's old enough to be my mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 133
You deserved it 6 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Too bad she's not your boss, you could've definitely used that to your advantage.

jessicarenee88 0

perhaps she left it on purpose. something like that does not seem like it could be accidental...


Wait, it would've been better for you if she was younger?

Casuality 6

If you find out it was on purpose-fire her,and if she complains,anonymously send it to everyone she knows.Most people know each other in TA,so if it spreads she's basically screwed.

Janae1 5

She's gross...u should tell her to buy u a new camera cause her video broke the screen

kumakichi 0


StormGirl142 24

I hope you can erase the image of that from your mind one day.

Really thats when you go out and ask your coworker if she needs the file All before you open it