By Yoooooo0 - 29/11/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, my dad and mom and I were going out to eat dinner. My dad wanted a romantic dinner just with my mom so he told me to make an excuse not to go. I did, which ended up as a huge fight, grounded and phone taken away. My dad just stood there in the background putting thumbs up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 068
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

What the hell did you say to have that happen?


Punkartmama 0

That sucks, but I wonder what they heck you said to your mom to piss her off. Use your grounding to think of better excuses.

maybe your dad wanted to give her a surprise? hopefully he will explain to your mom after that, and that they will apologise and reward you later.

"Thanks for taking one for the team pumpkin. You really make a great pawn, dontchaknow. I'll buy you an ice cream later."

Explain to your mother about it. She will understand. Then maybe the two of you can pull a prank on your father by continuing to be on bad terms and make him the middle person XD

Wow, there's something wrong with that relationship if your dad can't communicate directly to your mom that he wants alone time with her.

My guess is, your dad's going to make it up to you somehow. It may not be right away, but eventually you're going to get something really nice that you want. Good thing you did this so close to Christmas right?

Oh, please... give me a break. It's not like it's the end of the world. When all is said and done, you'll likely be compensated for your troubles and your ban lifted. You can stomach this for one single night. Just find something else to do in the mean time. If not, then a quick conversation with your mother later could repay your pops for any ungratefulness and, more likely than not, grant you your privileges back. FML material this is most certainly not....

OLOtheDemigodess 0

lol dude I don't think the real FML here is that she got grounded and her phone taken, because as you said, that ban will probably be lifted. The real FML, which I find it amazing how it manages to escape you, is that her dad put her in this situation and didn't help her out of it when clearly he should have shouldered the responsibility or at least stopped the fight before it went too far. What a douche, but sadly, there are many parents like that.

oh_fml_ 0
Skull_300 0

Did you tell your dad to **** Off? He won't do anything to you because he's a Pussy.