By Yoooooo0 - 29/11/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, my dad and mom and I were going out to eat dinner. My dad wanted a romantic dinner just with my mom so he told me to make an excuse not to go. I did, which ended up as a huge fight, grounded and phone taken away. My dad just stood there in the background putting thumbs up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 068
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

What the hell did you say to have that happen?


CyclonePsycho 1

This whole situation is just stupid.

Why the **** didn't you just pretend to be sick?

I see dead celebrities :( ___________________________________

caramelbear 0

hahaha, seriously, i agree with #14. i'm sure a simple lie about explosive diarrhea or something would have done the trick.

Renflower 0

So your dad thinks deceit is the way to romance? Regardless, the whole situation is ridiculous. A bit of an FML for having a dad who wouldn't at least lift your punishment or talk to your mother about it after the dinner. But mostly YDI, if only because you let your excuse and fight get that far.

OP could've hopped online and posted this before the punishment was reversed. or not included the revesal because it made the perfect fml

Anon17564 3

You either gave a bad excuse, or your father's going to have to cover for you. It sucked at the time, but yeah, it'll be fine by the next day.

FYL for having an idiotic father. Seriously, would saying "honey, I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight, just the two of us" be that hard to do???? Some men, I swear....they're still in the caves. But...YDI for not saying something along the lines of "Dad indicated he wanted it to be just you two, so I'd rather stay home if that's okay". I've learned the hard way that when your dad comes up with a romantic idea, you should probably take charge of the situation before it turns into a big shitty mess.

Erindub 0

Sorry man. Hope you got it all worked out once they got home.

YDI for not being your own person and going along with his idea (also, how the hell does this escalate to a fight resulting in getting grounded?). But he's a dick for suggesting it in the first place.

OLOtheDemigodess 0

"how the hell does this escalate to a fight resulting in getting grounded?" some parents are not rational, hun. At all.

My Dad does it all the time. I'm my own person... And, I've also never managed to piss my Mom off by not going. Just say "Hey Mom, I'm not feeling good, I would rather stay home" and if she starts getting upset, ask why. its not that hard to deal with an emotional parent and avoid punishment.

Wow, Your dads an ass!!! FYL. Im sorry!!! Get revenge.