By Yoooooo0 - 29/11/2009 18:10 - United States

Today, my dad and mom and I were going out to eat dinner. My dad wanted a romantic dinner just with my mom so he told me to make an excuse not to go. I did, which ended up as a huge fight, grounded and phone taken away. My dad just stood there in the background putting thumbs up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 068
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

What the hell did you say to have that happen?


dspadres 0

Way to take one for the team. You're a champ.

wow, well u should have told ur mom that ur dad put u up to this for his "romantic dinner" with her, right when she started fighting instead of letting ur dad give u thumbs up in the background like a douche

I bet that this kid's dad was a teen parent. They usually end up still acting like a kid or a dumbass later in life, with others suffering from their stupidity.

wow dude that's sucks for you, sorry - oh yea, d4m4s74, btw your thirteenth, not fifth.

perstephane 4

You're an awesome daughter for helping out, but I agree that the "I'm sick" excuse would have worked best. However, in OP's defense, her mom might be the type who freaks out and stays home if their kid so much as has the sniffles. It might have killed the dinner plans all together.

Trebie 6

That is what I was thinking. The "I have an important test/project I need to study/work on excuse is my personal favorite.

your not grounded he will fix it all don't whine your awsome helping him out to such lenths tell him he owes you, a game, a cd, or whatever.

life_goes_onnn 0

awww i feel so sry your life sucks, i feel bad =(

that's fing awesome ty for making my commute this am

redshortsx 0

well that sucks your dads dick.