By Username - 21/07/2011 11:14 - United States

Today, my dad came home and said that he was so inspired by hip hop dancers on TV that he decided to take a hip hop dance class. He signed up for the class that my girlfriend teaches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 440
You deserved it 3 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikaylajarvis 0

sorry to say but it's kinda funny


and your problem is???? Grow up, parents can gave a life too.

make sure you post another fml after he bangs her

ironwill883hd 0

How the f/(% does stupid pointless stories like this get posted when I submitted a true fml and it gets denied. F u people who vote on what gets posted

ironwill883hd 0

Whoever deleted my comment i hope u ******* die

so what? ur dad also wants to have fun in his life. not just u

holakittylover 0
AnynomousPerson 0

Thats what you get for dating black girls.

something else is going on there. he is probably banging her or something

so? you should sign up too and spend time with your girlfriend and dad and have fun