By Imwalkinghere - 04/11/2016 01:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 15/03/2022 02:00
By prettyinpurple - 10/02/2009 04:54 - United States
By legotron - 30/10/2009 08:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 19:11 - Italy
Careless and carefree
By Anonymous - 12/08/2022 07:00 - Romania
Classic scam
By Anonymous - 01/07/2017 06:00 - United States - New Hyde Park
By Anonymous - 31/10/2011 04:12 - United States
By lobstercola - 24/11/2012 16:35 - Canada - Edmonton
By @juicy0rphans - 17/12/2021 17:01
By Tom - 25/11/2010 13:28
Top comments
Kill her
Texas state law, vehicles must yield to pedestrians
Sue and you will get your tuitions paid!
Most states have laws similar to this. And if I remember correctly in all states it is a felony to hit someone in a crosswalk.
#14 Really? In Australia cars only have to give way for pedestrians at marked crossings, (zebra crossing or traffic lights), or in shared zones, ( A shared zone is a Car park or similar area ). So, if you were driving down the road where there is no crossing and someone stepped off the kerb in front of you and you hit them it's the pedestrian who's at fault not the driver. In my previous comment, #14, It was not my intention to suggest that OP was in the wrong, far from it.
#22, in the US if that occurred both parties would actually be fault. The driver would still get a ticket for hitting someone (for not paying attention to their surroundings (which they're supposed to do)); and the pedestrian would also get a ticket for jaywalking (crossing in a section of road where there is no marked crossing section).
Actually, this happened in a parking lot, so, not jaywalking.
A few days ago someone hit me with a car, just to get me out of its way.
maybe you should write your own fml instead of hijacking another's? Or at least you could have added a few more sentence. like adding "Some drivers are just real impatient asshole it seems. So I feel you your pain OP. Both figuratively and literally perhaps". Without something like that added, people might think you are just trying to get attention to yourself and this FML is OP'S time to shine, not yours. Heck, maybe you are an attention where for all I know? I'm personally just giving you the benefit of the doubt because getting hit by a car is in my top 10 list of things I DON'T want to do in my lifetime. I mean isn't unheard of after getting hit. So attention where or not, I feel some sympathy. Or at the very least you got a gut I instinct sympathy cringe.
The typo of "*****" made me giggle-idk why it was funny to me unless it was you "setting someone straight" and ******* up. I nearly spit my coffee when I got to the second one. Lmao. Thanks for the laugh.
It will be interesting to see if she uses this excuse in court.
Drug crazy
Similar thing happened to me once. I stopped for a car at a crosswalk (this is on a college campus so if you don't stop your asking to get hit). The car then stopped so I went, as I was in front of the damn thing a kid on the other side of the street waved the car on and it hit me.
Something similar happened to me in my school. I was walking along the sidewalk and was about to cross the exit of our parking lot. I saw a car trying to exit, so I stopped to let him through. He waved for me to pass, so I did. As soon as I was in front of his car, he hit me with it. Then he pretended he didn't notice me when I went to his window asking wtf. He was like "Oh my God! Are you okay? Oh my I didn't see you there!" with this super fake tone of voice. I had no idea why he did that.. He didnt apologize either. Now I sometimes get paranoid about cars that let me cross lol
cuz she a woman driver. thats y
Sorry to hear OP, hope you are okay
What a bitch! I sincerely hope you got her information and plan to file a report if not a lawsuit.
Hope you wrote down her plate number and reported it. Don't let this go! This person needs to be off the roads immediately.

Texas state law, vehicles must yield to pedestrians
It will be interesting to see if she uses this excuse in court.