By papaedups - 11/04/2016 05:46 - United States - Arlington

Today, my dad congratulated me on having my first girl come over late at night and asked me to be quieter because he could hear us. I'm still single and it was probably me grunting and getting mad losing Plants vs Zombies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 431
You deserved it 3 518

papaedups tells us more.

yeah he was proud I suppose that's why I haven't told him the truth tbh

Top comments

Plants v zombies is the shit though. I always get mad when they chew through my walnuts.


I'm not sure any of my angry video game sounds resemble sex noises, but with all the curse words, maybe angry sex?

andrmac 25

Oh God, no don't stop, aagghhhh - none of that could possibly be said during sex or being eaten in a video game.

Put in a few "motherfuckers" and "sons of bitches" and then you're pretty close to me in any video game.

Yes it could though X'D "Oh God!!! >:C NOOO, DON'T!! STOP!!" For example. Sometime I plead with video game characters to not do things that piss me off in that very same manner. :) So he could've easily said those things as well.

yeah he was proud I suppose that's why I haven't told him the truth tbh

Seems like one of those harmless omissions of truth that doesn't really need to be corrected.

Damn that's a good privilege, your dad sounds like a cool person. You should get out more and use that privilege.

Yh don't worry about it. You'll probably get a girlfriend sooner or later. For the moment just focus on killing those zombies

andrmac 25

Plants vs Zombies is that what you crazy kids are calling it these days?

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Bet u didnt admit that to him though lol but dont worry man its not all about that anyways, when the time comes you'll know so chin up