By disneyworld - 14/02/2010 05:49 - United States

Today, my dad told me he's taking the whole family to Disney World, even my step-brother's girlfriend. But not me, because he can't "afford" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 972
You deserved it 2 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's sooo much things I wanna say but let's start it off....did the stepmother convince him to do that cuz sumtimes step relatives can be mean

Hiropon 0

Life's a bitch. I guess he's playing favorites. ^o^


U dad is an ass i would make him take me cuz he'll take ur step bro's GIRLFRIEND who's not even related, but he wont take his own daughter cuz he cant "afford it"! I would say that ill run away from home and break everything in the house and steal all of the money and everything else! I know it was too harsh, but i would do it!

chinisse_sayu 0

your dads an ass hole. get revenge!

why are there so many fmls about this stuff?! make up your own shit that really happens (not this op personaly but just in genaral)

xMunchkinn 0

& how is this true ? no dad hates their child that much for him to be able to pay for his sins ex, but not for his daughter. and why is the ex being taken anyway ? if this true ( I higly doubt it ) then your dad is a HUGE douche.

Lichinamo 33

It's not his "Son's ex", it's his "Step son's current girlfriend".

Alright. SO ... I wrote this like a year ago almost. In march,. I couldn't remember what user I'd made it under. Anyways, I was 13 when this happened. So don't tell me to get a job. Yes, my dad is a douche. Two, I live with my mom. And yes, IT IS TRUE, TO PEOPLE WHO SAY IT ISN'T. My brother & his girlfriend are now engaged. My dad tried to make it up by buying me this thing I had wanted forever. Inspite of all this, I forgive my dad, because that's what familes do. If you don't understand any of this? I feel bad for you.

bugmenotmofo 34

Kiddo, I'm so glad to read this follow up. You've got a good head on your shoulders. Unlike approximately 90% of the people here. Your dad was a little thoughtless (I'd have called off the trip rather than leave someone behind), but you have the right attitude. The original post says you're in Michigan. I grew up there, and I think you and your dad should save your money and take a trip to Cedar Point, just the two of you. See if you can persuade him to let you take a few days off school so you can go during the week in May. No lines! If you like roller coasters, Cedar Point is way better than any Disney park. :) Sincerely, A random stranger on the internet

highschool_britt 2

Wow what the heck I would throw a hissy fit!!!!! Your dad is and idiot!