By dzisfml - 14/02/2010 08:42 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Freak out
By RIP Turd (peacebeuponit) - 17/12/2014 18:47 - Lebanon - Beirut
By dontevenassk - 12/06/2009 04:44 - Canada
By Anonymous - 22/04/2013 18:33 - United States
Ring of fire
By Anonymous - 20/08/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 15/06/2015 02:54 - United States - San Francisco
By Karmaisabitch - 18/05/2012 06:07 - United States - Boulder
By Anonymous - 04/04/2011 05:26
By unknown - 21/09/2011 12:40 - Philippines
Funny, huh?
By Anonymous - 20/04/2024 03:00 - United States - Chesapeake
Happy Easter!
By Dummy - 01/04/2018 15:00
Top comments
haha. nice
@Mermaid You ugly girls trying to bitch people make yourselves interresting. Stop commentaing on each FML to bitch the people. FYL
Let me wipe my ass with red toilet paper Hurr Durr
exactly. like seriously, u cudnt see red toilet paper??? are u legaly blonde? I mean blind???
Blonde racisim or somehing
Tara FTW. You didn't see, feel, or smell anything unusual about the tp? YTDI
how in the world did he not notice the red on the paper??
I agree, and have to say this is a "YDI" thing. Tolet paper is white. Tobasco sauce is a reddish color. What did you think was on the toilet paper? Blood? Did you even look? Either way, I would not be using that paper to wipe my ass.
It's even funnier that you didn't notice that it was red.
hahahaha wow . I bet u got one hot ass ;)
damn, the op must be completely oblivious to his toilet paper , wouldn't he notice it was red?
I imagine this was amusing to watch. But seriously, you didn't see a red liquid on the toilet paper?
This is bullcrap.
104 made me lol..
@ all the people replying to #3... he never said that he actually used the toilet paper. his friends could have covered all his tp in tabasco sauce, and the FML was that he had to use socks to clean it up maybe im being too logical, maybe he did stick red toilet paper up his ass (And I just read #4 right after posting this, hey!)
you would notice, therefore, I don't believe the tp met an ass.
Same goes for you. If you need the seat down, then you can put it down. And I think you meant "whipped" instead of "trained" there. :)
You're totally right. God forbid you waste at most three seconds tipping the seat over! We don't bitch when women leave the seat down, same applies here. Get over it.
I think MissRachieee is under the impression that men piss while sitting down.
MissRachieee you just have penis envy and are jealous that you dont have the right equipment or even the brainpower to aim where your peeing.
really? lol really? more sexist arguing on FML? he's not going to change his mind, obviously, and neither will you
Imma hafta agree with MissRachieee here. Men use toliet seats too (unless you guys poo standing up), but women don't ever really need to lift them. Therefore, it is safe to assume the standard position for the seat is down since the majority of the time it's being used. But that's just for the sake of the argument. Really, it doesn't matter if the seat is down or up or not attached at all. Like Freeze pointed out above, it takes all of three seconds to remedy the problem. You all should be arguing about something more important. Like, whose turn is it to wash the dishes, or something. :B
whoops, misread that comment, tyoung_1313. but, yes, i'm veryyy envious because i can't aim where my piss goes. i should go cry in a corner and pray to god that in the morning i'll wake up with a penis. hmm, wow. why should i care if i can aim my piss or not? it's all going down the toilet. anyways, most men can't aim worth SHIT. maybe if you dumbasses could learn to aim we wouldn't have the up-down toilet seat problem; that way us, women, could sit down without having piss on our ass.
Ooh, someone's having a bad day, if you catch my drift. Whatever argument you were trying to make, you've lost it. Just because you're a lady doesn't mean I have to cater to your every goddamn need (even though I try, but you still bitch and moan anyways). The only time, really, where you should have to deal with putting the seat down is a nonpublic genderless restroom, which is def not my problem. But keep up with the antimale comments, it's adorable.:P
seat up or down
WTF... as I was saying the seat up or down really isn't a HUGE issue when it literally takes a few seconds to adjust to your needs. it looks better down though but it sucks if you expect it to be down the middle of the night ..when you wake up to pee ..and you're half asleep ..and a female.........
I agree it really should be you guys that have to put the toilet seat down,cause ya''ll need it down for both number1 and 2, where we only need it down for 2. And BTW, who the hell started this crap about it being our responsibility. One more thing, If I was your father or brother and I read this, I would slap the **** outta your dumb ass saying they were trained. girl you gots some ****** nerve...
um... y the **** it matter if the seat is up or down?? does it really ******* matter???
I have to try this some time. That is a great idea!
LOL that's got to burn like hell. Have fun not being able to sit down this week, fyl
ouch burn that sounds like it was hot
One question: WHY?!!!

And it was. Your point?
yea i agree with #8 you should have seen the discoloration of ur tp i mean unless ur tp is usually orange!!