By disneyworld - 14/02/2010 05:49 - United States

Today, my dad told me he's taking the whole family to Disney World, even my step-brother's girlfriend. But not me, because he can't "afford" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 972
You deserved it 2 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's sooo much things I wanna say but let's start it off....did the stepmother convince him to do that cuz sumtimes step relatives can be mean

Hiropon 0

Life's a bitch. I guess he's playing favorites. ^o^


dad: I'm not taking you that's final op: then I guess mom is going to know about you and bill....

MrFlintstone 5

throw a wild party at his house

tb15 0

to all you people saying how the OP's over eighteen, this is in the "kids" section of FML

wizerds67 0

if that wad my dad, my fist would connect with his face

Throw a sweet party while everyone's gone. Trash the place. Then your dad will have to take you next time Its a win-win situation!

What the hell? Aha, wow your life sucks if your dad doesn't love you that much that he invites his son's girlfriend instead of you.

Lichinamo 33

If they were not his kid, they would have said STEP-Dad, not Dad.

If you weren't being a total brat daughter up to this point.. it's time to start!