By Anonymous - 20/10/2010 22:22 - United States

Today, my dad got a new phone and put me on speed dial. I have received several voice mails from him accidentally dialed. They are from him riding the train, in a meeting, having lunch, and, most recently, him taking a monstrous dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 351
You deserved it 3 324

Same thing different taste


TinyDude 10

I bet u would like to see him in action sometime xD

XxBlackRosexX 0

gross.. i feel bad for you op lol

Qluz 3

it looks like you have something to talk about at thanksgiving dinner

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

15 and 74... sisters? vaaaarri niiice... meanwhile be thankful you didn't get a VM of your Dad and Mom trying to give ya a sibling!!! That would truly be a FML!!!

HA :D I wonder who else he but dialed and heard all of that /// that's just gross

It wasn't an accident. He really meant to call you that last time - he thought you would appreciate his sharing of an intimate moment with you! Don't be so ungrateful.

gaarraa11 3

lol why would you listen to it?

Lol you should tell him to lock his phone.