By anon - 31/03/2014 22:10 - United States - Chappaqua

Today, my dad got me one of those word locks for my gym locker, for which the password had to be a four-letter word instead of numbers. My dad chose the combo for me. It was "diet". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 214
You deserved it 5 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have one of those. Mine is "****", though.

Nice observation there, Captain Obvious.


Guys, it's possible that OP's dad only put 'diet' because it was a four letter word that would relate to her gym class. My reasoning is thin, but everyone always has a reason for something, maybe his isn't so negative. He might not have been trying to tell OP to 'lose weight' at all.

If so it's a shitty choice, akin to using password for your password. You're not keeping anything safe with an easy to guess code.

Get him a lock with the combo "dick"

Well that was rude because at least you are actively doing something about it by going to the gym :)

even if your dad was trying to be helpful, he should of gone about telling you another way. he didnt need to be so harsh

I wonder what message he is trying to send you...

That's actually a good password, who would guess? No one would think the password would degrade you; so, it's perfect!