By AppState - 01/03/2009 00:33 - United States

Today, my dad had gotten a new cell phone. So I started to mess around with the cool features on his phone and stumbled upon some pictures he had taken. Next thing I know I'm looking at my mom going down on my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 311
You deserved it 27 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

YDI. You shouldn't have snooped.

FlickMyBean 0

Old People do still have sex you know?


maybe op didnt see their dad for a little bit and during that time op's dad got a new phone and had it for a few weeks or something and during those few weeks op's dad took those pictures O: and op was looking at the cool features on their dads new phone not snooping /:

I feel ur pain. the same thing happened 2 me.

rzbt21 0

exactly. you would probably have a bitch fit if he went through yours

rzbt21 0

exactly. you would probably have a bitch fit if he went through yours

Your_Cute 0

you don't accidentally stumble across pictures in someones phone, their always in a folder. furthermore you looked through a few to get to those so YDI

pharmbrooke35 0

your kid is like that baby off of "It's Alive"

pharmbrooke35 0
carolineoliviaa 0