By AppState - 01/03/2009 00:33 - United States

Today, my dad had gotten a new cell phone. So I started to mess around with the cool features on his phone and stumbled upon some pictures he had taken. Next thing I know I'm looking at my mom going down on my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 311
You deserved it 27 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

YDI. You shouldn't have snooped.

FlickMyBean 0

Old People do still have sex you know?


how do you think you we made?? mom went down, dad loved it, gave her some lovin and boom he put you in her.......simple....

Well all we know is you weren't a load that was swallowed.

Haha, that's hilarious because it happened to you but. Also gross that you had to see that!

neftalyflores23 0

That's what you get for snooping thru his phone

I guess the bright side is you didn't catch your dad cheating on your mom with incriminating photos, and your parents are still into each other. So that's always a good thing :)

Justine Malang 16

Oh yeah. Checking out the phone's "features". You obviously snooped onto his personal pictures/videos to find that and obviously, out of curiosity, watched it.

Arkangel.Artemis 10

Yeah.... that's a violation of privacy