By philosophicallll - 28/09/2015 20:25 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my dad introduced me as his pet orangutan. I'm a redhead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 602
You deserved it 2 691

philosophicallll tells us more.

I know he was kidding. My dad has an amazing sense of humor and I love him very much, but unfortunately for him, the person he was introducing me to doesn't have a sense of humor at all. She now glares at my dad and yells at him whenever he makes any jokes about me. So karma did happen, no revenge needed.

Top comments

If he is saying he fathered an ape, what does that make him?

act the part than. throw some feces and what not


I think I'd bitch him out, when in privacy

I wouldn't even wait anymore. If he's making fun of you in front of people he's probably trying to show off (in a ridiculously childisch way). So i would embarass the hell out of him.

It's just his humor. It's nothing hurtful unless he's reference to her appearance besides her hair. My dad used to make these jokes about me all the time.

I know he was kidding. My dad has an amazing sense of humor and I love him very much, but unfortunately for him, the person he was introducing me to doesn't have a sense of humor at all. She now glares at my dad and yells at him whenever he makes any jokes about me. So karma did happen, no revenge needed.

At least your dad has a sense of humor, I find that quite funny.

leogachi 15

@2 Would you find it funny if your own dad introduced you as his pet gorilla?

#11 considering that I'm covered in dark fuzz from head to toe, yes. Yes I would.

christinamarie17 29

@11 I think it depends on who OP was being introduced to. If it was a few of my dad's buddies I personally wouldn't care. If it was someone like his boss, or a formal setting, that's a different story.

If he is saying he fathered an ape, what does that make him?

Maybe you should get back at him for being old by introducing him as your pet polar bear?

christinamarie17 29

#6, I didn't know that calling someone a pet orangutan equated to not having a soul. Thanks for the information, I'll be sure to immediately turn my soul over to the proper authorities should I ever use that as an insult.

#31 it is a common saying that redheads have no souls. how this applies to the father I have no idea, but it's probably a jab on that.

act the part than. throw some feces and what not

Sorry, but *then Also, you did not capitalise Act nor include a period.

GoldLeader 19

#32: I think you mean sorry...not sorry. You clearly are not at all sorry for being a grammar gestapo, no one ever is.

plot twist: OP is in fact a high-functioning actual orangutan

"mean" is present simple which works just fine here. Now be quiet and think about what you've done!

That was rather rude of him, I hope you talked to him about his monkey business. But on a serious note, I hope you're ok OP

Now you can become friends with Caesar!