By dangyo - 26/01/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my dad learned how to use the parental controls. I now have an 11 o'clock curfew. I am 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 404
You deserved it 7 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you guys read the first line about parental controls? The 11PM curfew is on the computer, not for staying out. (And is kind of ridiculous btw.) Chillax people. ahve it pretty good LOL. SERIOUSLY.i STILL can't go out late at night and im 18, FML


I'm 21 my mom still has that curfew on me no worries drinking and driving though im in my house to early to even have gotten drunk

freerun4life97 0

I'm 14 and my curfew is when it gets dark -_-

my parents tried doing that to me if I stayed out all night they locked the door .... so I moved out and have been living on my own for 2 years now

FYI in most states the LEGAL curfew is 11. If you drive you can't legally drive past then anyway.

oldred16 0

Move out. Pay your own bills and get a job.

Ninjasaurus18 9

Aww poor you, your dad actually cares about you!!! :'( Why would we give you ANY sympathy?

saaaamscriv 9

I feel for you, OP. I'm 17, and I'm in college and my parents say my curfew is 11, but I'm not allowed to leave the house if it's after 9. But I also understand why they have the curfew.

Dead_Bunny213 5

I'm 16 and my curfew is 9...?

Being under 18 means you get a curfew, deal with it