By anonymous - 15/10/2017 01:30

Today, my dad's face flushed when I introduced him to my new boyfriend. I live in a small town, and it turns out my dad recognized him. He's the secret child from an affair two decades ago. He's my half-brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 191
You deserved it 325

Same thing different taste

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exileonmainst 16

Don't lie about fighting the white walkers or he'll leave you.


exileonmainst 16

Don't lie about fighting the white walkers or he'll leave you.

Mathametic 14

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Yes, as they now know they share the same paternal DNA. is probably eharmony for you right?

Mathametic 14

Can you explain to me why it's an issue? Aside from it being frowned upon in society which is neglible. And increased odds for a child being born with malfunctions, what is the exact problem in dating a family member?

It’s icky, that’s what’s wrong with it.

To be fair, incest was a societal norm amongst those of high influence for thousands of years. Mixing all of their good "blood" with the commoners would dilute it. (another side note) There was also a practice of having an older relative introduce sexual practices to younger family members when they came of age. Just because we look down on this now doesn't inherently make it wrong or icky. We just know now that it causes genetic issues and should be mitigated.

I’m a firm believer that consenting adults can do whatever they want. If a consenting adult brother and sister want to have a sexual relationship, I’m not going to be the one to stop them. I will, however, be the one audibly gagging at the thought of it.

iny0urjuicebox 7

I'm with you on this. Like you said, they probably shouldn't reproduce. But I think that its the social aspect that makes taboo into taboo. If a brother and sister are raised together, then one day they make out I would probably call them sick. However, in this situation the attraction came first. Yeah, the situation requires a serious talk, but they weren't thinking about their siblinghood before romance arose.

He’s her brother!! That’s why it’s wrong. Date outside of your gene pool. I wouldn’t care if it’s a step sibling, but it’s not, it’s her biological brother. He’s not adopted into the family or related by marriage.

It's actually called the Westermarck effect. If OP and her half brother were raised together, she would not find him attractive. In fact, if OP was raised with any guy, she wouldn't find him attractive.

simcityguy09 19

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Rachael Ferguson 10

The OP never said the boyfriend looks like their dad...

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there is also a chance he took more after his mother.

Multiple times I've heard the saying "girls marry men like their fathers". This doesn't only refer to the looks but also to the character of a man. We are all shaped by our childhood experience. If this woman adores and loves her father she surely will look for the same qualities in her boyfriend.

I’ve also heard that “boys marry their mothers.” These are understandable truisms. It just must be disturbing to know WHY the boyfriend resembles their dad so much.

It is situations like this one is the reason why cheating is not acceptable. A cheater might not get caught (or at least not right away), but it can cause pain and whatnot to others. I am sorry to hear what happened to you, OP, as well as your half brother and everyone else affected by this.

boopingsnoot 24

Don't feel too bad, there have been studies showing that people are more likely to be sexually attracted to related strangers than to, say, childhood friends

Lobby_Bee 17

It's a small town, everybody is related to somebody somehow. How else would the population grow?

Red Swingle 5

you realize people move to small towns too

N8ツm8 7

Yeah people may move to small towns aswell but it's true that everyone is related to each other may not be blind related but we're all in the same family that started with Adam and Eve

gobiteme2 34

Brings a whole new meaning to secrets within the family (Father's side)

staticballoons 5

So what happened next? Did you break up? Did your mom find out? Is your dad going to act like a real dad towards him? We need answers!