By anonymous - 15/10/2017 01:30

Today, my dad's face flushed when I introduced him to my new boyfriend. I live in a small town, and it turns out my dad recognized him. He's the secret child from an affair two decades ago. He's my half-brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 197
You deserved it 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

Don't lie about fighting the white walkers or he'll leave you.


Aiden89 23

Well, that'll make family dinners a lot more awkward. "Can you pass the sex? I mean salt!"

I was gonna try to be funny with a "depending on which half is your brother…" kind of statement, but this is just messed up. Sorry for ya.

OMG you banged your brother!!! Your nasty

Well...that's awkward. But if he is new, at least you found out before it hit the "love" portion of the relationship. Once you get past that part it's a lot worst to either break-up or invest in a ton of condoms.