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By Anonymous - 19/08/2015 12:14 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my sister recorded the sound of me having intense diarrhea, retching at the stench, and eventually breaking down in tears. I only found out when I saw she'd posted it online, with the caption "lol #gaytard #sorrynotsorry". I've never been called a pussy by so many people before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 024
You deserved it 4 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to kill a bitch or at least wipe your ass with her pillow.


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But your comment sucked... Go sit in the corner and think about what you did...maybe we'll let you back in later...but you are better off leaving and not coming back

Says the same guy who commented "maybe point him towards the casket?" at someone's FML whose grandpa was looking for his wife at her funeral.

Start planning for some revenge OP. Any ideas people?

And then remove the mechanism inside of the toilet tank, replacing the plug and pulley with a regular rubber stopper.

And then remove the mechanism inside of the toilet tank, replacing the plug and pulley with a regular rubber stopper.

And then remove the mechanism inside of the toilet tank, replacing the plug and pulley with a regular rubber stopper.

Agreed, lots and lots of laxatives. And record the sound of her crying from it in the bathroom. Are there any other things to post anywhere that would embarrass her?

DeltaDragonxx 20

slip laxitives into her foods. a little at a time, and slowly increase so she thinks she has a problem. the day before she goes to the doctor, spike it with a bunch of it. record it.

Wait until you know she's going out, like for a family function or anything like that. Slip some laxatives into her food before she leaves so she ends up with some bad diarrhea in public.

FarmerGirl420 11

I hate how people don't believe in privacy anymore... that's horrible. karma will get her.

pleasedie 22

Time to kill a bitch or at least wipe your ass with her pillow.

hannahrem 15

I would wipe my butt with her towel.

Megatron_Griffin 25

If he wipes it on her pillow she might get pink eye ;) so the pillow is a better idea

its a true fact that you mostly get diarrhea from watching animals relieve their bowels, or by watching goat ****

Next time you have to go, go in her bed.

I think it should be your goal to make her #sorryreallysorry