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By Raspunzel - 07/02/2013 00:37 - Cameroon

Today, I’m supervising an exam. I spot a girl going to the bathroom with a paper in her pocket. Stopping her just in time, I waved the paper about. It was a sanitary towel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 363

Top comments

ThePandoricaOpen 18

It WAS a pad. That's what a sanitary napkin is.

I'm too tired to process the tense changes in this. However, it's probably 200 times more embarrassing for her, OP. F HER life.


Maybe you should have reminded her before you picked it up. But still awkward.

You were only doing your job OP. But, if the "paper" was in her pocket and you were that certain that she was cheating, why not confront her about it first? Hopefully she's allowed to retake the exam. FHL!

Wow!!! I totally read that wrong. That's what I get for staying awake this late. Disregard this comment.

I'm too tired to process the tense changes in this. However, it's probably 200 times more embarrassing for her, OP. F HER life.

That's why you ask questions first, then act. I bet that poor girl was mortified.

Ok actually that's not the worst case scenario. imagine if it had been a pad or a tampon

ThePandoricaOpen 18

It WAS a pad. That's what a sanitary napkin is.

We were always told that leaving an exam for ANY reason, even a bathroom emergency, meant an automatic fail. It's so easy to cheat if you leave the room.

TheMusicLover 16

I'm actually gonna try and use this idea to cheat, have some info written inside and pretend I have a "bathroom emergency!" brilliant

I'd try it too, buy being that I'm a guy I somehow doubt it'd work.

Or your could just study for your exams...

YDI. As a woman, you should know this. Smh.


Next time don't search anyone or their property until you have talked to them about it or actually observed them violating school rules. Plus aren't students usually not permitted to exit, even for a bathroom break, during exams? Also you're a woman! You should have guessed the possibility of this happening! FHerLife