By Anonymous - 12/06/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, my dad told me he has money set aside for when he has to bail me out of jail, because "it's bound to happen sooner or later." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 645
You deserved it 10 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now there's something you can't call a... *puts on sunglasses* fund. YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH


AtomicBryce 0

sounds much like my patents lol they suck

that's harsh. hilarious, but harsh. dads ftw.

actually he's being a good dad, he's just telling you this to warn you.

jewelsfml 0

its parents like that, that cause their children to do wrong! prove his ugly ass wrong!

WickedClownMCL 1

at least hes prepared, my dad would just leave my ass there