By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States

By gerligrl97 - 12/06/2011 18:50 - United States
By december2009 - 04/01/2010 03:41 - United States
By ROLLY - 03/03/2010 20:35 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/10/2010 03:27 - United States
By Shortround - 30/09/2012 12:56 - United States - Wheaton
By faded as shit - 27/09/2011 01:10 - United States
By Sad - 28/04/2009 22:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/04/2015 04:04 - United States - Baltimore
By Danielle - 06/06/2011 19:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/02/2013 20:23 - Germany
By Anonymous - 09/11/2013 20:41 - United States
You got owned...
Your boyfriend must be good at chess. He thought many moves ahead. He knew that you would be clingy, giving yourself to him. He then considered that you'd prolly want to settle down, get married and get a home. Then you'd get bored, divorce him and take his laptop, tv, etc. He just thought "not if I do it first!" and took your shit instead. Like I said: He's a genius, and probably a good chess player!:)
Your boyfriend is a genius and probably a good chess player, he was several moves ahead of you. He considered that since you were his first, you'd be clingy with him. He knew this would progress to you wanting to settle, marry and probably buy a home. He knew you'd get bored though, and divorce him and thus taking his shit. He then thought "**** that, not if I strike first". He then proceeded in the preemptive strike. Thus: he's a genius!;)
Sorry for the double post...
Who were you dating really? Don't you want to know a man little better before you lose virginity to him? Or nowadays that doesn't mean anything at all? Too many douchebags are in this world, you were fool and there is no one to blame but yourself. Of course dude is an absolute asshole, but if you will stop being dumb, you will avoid situations like this.
74,wtfda **** r u doin cus dats sum nasty shit. anyway ya don't look to single to me...
Smurfsarwales you have now been crowned the most annoying ass bitch on this site. Stop talking in text lingo. ohhh and Stop trying to be a hood rat.
at least I don't hav the fattest cat in da world AND give it beer. if u read my profile, it said dnt **** me. and don't give me bullshit about not being ****** to cus u took da time to comment...
87: Your are now officially the dumbest as well...
Can I buy a vowel?
"Well said" made me laugh xD
chill it's just fml. realax tho that might be hard for an ASSHOLE!!!
Chill your balls, son. Watching the pot call the kettle black was funny though. :-)
#91... I think it's time for a nap. You're a little cranky today. So... FALL BACK NIGGA!
that was the point of my comment. I'm glad you realized :)
...and left?
She probably didn't make him a sandwich ;)
I think stealing virginity is just called rape in some parts.
One ghetto boyfriend
Don't leave your stuff lying around then.
hes a keeper!
the true fml wouldve been if it was anle
lost my virginity , call 1-800-single, reward - 2000$ if found
she got owned in multiple ways.
200- forgive him, he's probably British
he's probably your boyfriend
Bad joke.
and yet you still say boyfriend?
Was he black?
No sympathy here you chose to stay with him so it's your own fault. Hope by now you dumped him
Yet you call him your "boyfriend".
Yeah, she still has a few things left to steal so he hasn't broken up with her yet.
Report theft or just shoot him. But really what's the difference.
"911, I need to report my phone, tv, food, laptop, and virginity stolen. I need to get all these things back pronto."
Everyone should just get a giant gold chain with your name and the word virginity on it at birth and that should be considered your virginity. Things would be so much better that way.
102 - Suppose you go swimming, and must take the chain off, and somebody steals the chain from you. That's a ****** up way to "lose your virginity", don't you think?
That's the point. That way it's proven that your virginity is stupid and pointless. I honestly hate all you people because of the stupid things you hold dear. Sound bigoted and stupid? Yeah it is.
Epilepsy, I agree with you in a way. Not about the gold chain but the virginity thing. It's not necessarily stupid but people take virginity way too seriously. People plan on how they will lose it and make it out to be something special and magical. Most of the time it doesn't go as planned and there is nothing magical about it.
everybody knows the more you treat a girl/woman like shit the more they become attached.
girls like assholes women like confidence
There are many stupid women out there it seems.
I guess it wasn't a cheap date.
he musta gave her a good *******
And yet u have your iPhone to post an fml... strange.
before they turn nasty
because the food's all that matters
It was sarcasm dumbass
I was being sarcastic too genius
haha silenthunter haha
no one touches my food. take my Virginity instead.
Ya cuz that's what really matters
I guess your sex faces are ugly?
what does that have to do with anything?
Her "sex faces" were so horrifying that he decided to move to an entirely new continent an start a new life to forget the faces, and he decided he would need food and entertainment for the trip, and he was a little short on cash, so he "borrowed" from her.
Like your pic (not in a sexual way) (:
29 u mean burgerular?
"burger ruler"? lol
a taker :3
ur nt an idit eithr ;)
YDI o.p.
Why does she deserve it? Inconsiderate jerk.
because OP was like "ima let him pop my cherry and rob me!" clearly she didn't know what kind of guy he was...
And you had no idea he was like that? Dunbass.
I agree. OP is a dunbass
I've dated a dunbass before. Not fun.
All you dunasses are so dun...
spell dumbass right then we can talk about it
and troooooolled.
I love the irony in that statement :D
you better get that food back
Yet you call him your "boyfriend".