By Anonymous - 25/11/2012 18:55 - Europe

Today, my dad went through all the trouble of sneaking onto my laptop and photoshopping a bong into my Facebook profile picture, apparently just so he could win a €20 bet with my mom, that hinged on her grounding me by December. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 710
You deserved it 1 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

psychotics101 9

Just go buy some lingerie and leave where mom will find it. Problem solved.

jackrileymac 4


kxxjoejoexxk 8

Well ya know this shit happens jk feel bad for you

27... Ummm.. I think.. That's the point...

perdix 29

So, what were your lips wrapped around in the original picture? To make it look like a realistic hit off the bong, your mouth should be in the shape of . . .

unknown_user5566 26

Maybe OP just looked really surprised in the photo? :-O

Or they took the photo of him in the middle of him saying wow...

LiterOfCola 16

A fat blunt! Wait, that would defeat the purpose of photoshopping... Hmm...

I understood immediately but I'm yet to understand how this is being downvoted come on people noor is using imagination y'all should try it sometime.

You idiot he masturbates in it to look like someone had ****** her and left the condom in the trash can. *facepalm*

My comment was directed at 15, sorry for not being more specific.


Put a bong in his drawer and get your mom to open it ... What a laugh that would be!

Although it seems you're joking, that really would be a terrible idea. I imagine op is trying to prove to their mom that they don't actually smoke weed, and if their mom caught them putting the bong in the drawer they would be in more trouble.