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By clarakipper - 25/09/2013 07:19 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I found out that the vacation my mom has been planning to "repair our relationship" was just an opportunity to change her Facebook profile picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 562
You deserved it 2 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that she probably wanted to show everyone where she went. That doesn't mean that she didn't attempt to spend time with you. You sound terribly ungrateful.

Medd_fml 13

It sounds like you're just exaggerating to find a reason to not get along with your mom. No one plans a vacation for two for the sake of a picture.


I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that she probably wanted to show everyone where she went. That doesn't mean that she didn't attempt to spend time with you. You sound terribly ungrateful.

I'm also curious about what the "repair our relationship" actually entails. I'd be pretty stoked if one of my parents took me on a vacation. Definitely ungrateful.

She's an alcoholic. This means a lot to me

Maybe next time, you should plan the vacation, and then she'll get the perfect opportunity to change her twitter pic!!!.... wait....

mpj13 8
Dodge4x4Ram 46

I've had the same profile for picture 5 years,, how many people can say that?

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I've had the same profile picture for 20 years. That's because I am a walking profile picture, seeing as I don't have Facebook or any of that garbage.

While there are bad things about social networks, I have to say that knowing how to use one and other social media has gotten me hired more places than not. It is the stupid people who write every little thing they do, share all their disgusting facts, and make it dramatic that have ruined it for most people. I like being able to talk to people I have not seen in years, who live on the other side of the world. Much cheaper that calling (because poor and cannot afford the bill.)

Who cares? Not to be rude, but I don't know why people comment this stuff.

I hope she at least captioned it with something positive about you.

Because I can see a Caribbean backdrop with the four beautiful words, "me and the douche."

Well as long as she spent lots of time with you, why does it matter?

perdix 29

Coach her to make a duck face and show plenty of cleavage. I don't know what that will do for your relationship, but it will sure give me a boner;)

perdix 29

#19, de gustibus non disputandum est, which is Latin for, "don't hassle a guy with a duckface fetish." :D

sammieshortcake 15

You're disgusting, whether or not you said it to be funny or sarcastic.

jasmine2301 25

#39, you must not know perdix (;

From the tone of this FML I take it the "repair" didn't work out.

Medd_fml 13

It sounds like you're just exaggerating to find a reason to not get along with your mom. No one plans a vacation for two for the sake of a picture.