By bad date - 13/06/2012 04:42 - United States - Bennet

Today, my date made me pay him for picking me up, and taking me back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 365
You deserved it 3 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well if you did not put out then I would also charge you for being such a lousy date!

Wow I never split bills just because its annoying, I either pay it all or my date does, and I don't mind paying. But if someone ever tried to demand money for picking me up I wouldnt even entertain going on a date with them again, thats beyond cheap and rude. I would never demand money even from a friend if i OFFERED to take the somewhere to do something. It isn't even an equality issue, he was just rude in general, if he was friend of yours and demanded money it would have still been rude.

JudgeComrade 17

Dating taxi drivers has it's downsides.