By MotherofET - 11/07/2011 04:23 - Australia

Today, my daughter announced on Facebook that she is directly descended from extra-terrestrials. That would be okay - except she's 25 and believes it's true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 330
You deserved it 4 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is just a shot in the dark, but is your daughter Lady Gaga? cause I would believe her if she was.

Make sure her 'real family' doesn't beam you up and probe your personal parts. D:


maybe it's true.. you never know? but still FYL

lisha88 1

it's just Facebook it might be a joke people put random things on Facebook

bachmed 0

what's even crazier is that some think this "god" thing from some book is real

Nah that's ok my people believe we're descended from wolves, haha.

I bet you believe "God" or some divine being created us and that's not crazy?!

What makes you think life started on earth?

Lulblast 4

HIPSTERS. They have the weirdest shit known to man.

Lulblast 4

HIPSTERS. They have the weirdest shit known to man.

She has obviously been watching Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman...

I could easier believe that we are descendants of aliens than I could that there is an omnipotent, omnipresent being who gives a damn about about me and what goes on in my life.